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Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service-learning is a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection. Service-learning provides colleges and university students with a “community context” to their education, allowing them to connect their academic coursework to their roles as citizens.


  • Enhances interpersonal skills
  • Strengthens critical thinking and teaches reflection
  • Teaches civic responsibility through active community involvement
  • Fosters sense of caring for others
  • Deepens their understanding of social problems and teaches skills in collaboration

Components of Service-Learning

  • Integration – the process of turning theory into practice.
  • Reciprocity – servers and recipients of the service develop a mutual sense of belonging and responsibility within their community and foster a relationship that may not otherwise exist.
  • Reflection – students reflect upon their experiences, connecting the course content to actual field work.

*Information from Kronick, R. F., Cunningham, R. B., & Gourley, M. (2011) Experiencing service-learning.